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Gottescomix™ - Because Sometimes All You Can Do is Laugh

Here’s the link with even more liberal boomer LCMess goodness (now how much would you pay?). Be sure to visit before it disappears, and get screenshots!:

Bonus: Women’s “ordination” advocate and writer for the now-defunct Deathstar Journal Marie Meyer is still rocking it after all these years! Deathstar was co-founded by the now-defrocked Matthew Becker. Fortunately, their movement is today essentially moribund within our synod, with the exception of such rare displays above. This snapshot serves as a cautionary image, like a fossil sealed in amber. This desire to push the envelope within the LCMS is indeed like a villain in a horror movie that just keeps coming back for the poorly-written and badly-acted sequel. Fortunately, there are not many people in the theater.

It is important to note that so far as we can tell, there is no truth to the rumor that the Atlantic District has petitioned to join the ELCA, but was told, “Uh, you’re a little too liberal for us.”

The good news is that it seems that the youngest in this crowd are boomers. It seems that the vast majority of young women in the LCMS - and even in the Saltwater Sadlantic District - just aren’t interested in vesting in albs and stoles and being addressed as “Deacon” any more than they want to grow a beard and identify themselves using made-up pronouns.

Larry Beane5 Comments