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Clearly, the Devil Doesn't Have All the Good Music

This video builds on the axiom “The Left Can’t Meme” by extension to the corollary that also applies to music videos. When I first saw this, I thought it was a Babylon Bee style spoof done by trads to make the whole concept look stupid. Several people made the comment: “This is a good reason not to ‘ordain’ women!”

But not only is the music and choreography terrible, the message itself is ecclesiastical pornography.

It is interesting to note the reasons given for overriding Scripture and millennia of Old and New Testament practice in their quest: “I can lead the way” and “justice doesn’t look right with only male priests.” They also take a poke at the woke boogeyman: “patriarchy.”

But most interesting of all is whose name is never mentioned: the name that is above every name, the one who ordained the first men (and only men), the name that makes the demons cringe and sends Satan to the pits of hell: Jesus.

Telling, isn’t it?

Also interesting is the command: “Don’t listen to St. Paul” - meaning “Don’t listen to Scripture.” These people freely admit that the denial of ordination to women isn’t merely a custom or a tradition, not an adiaphoron, but rather it is biblical. It is forbidden by God’s Word. So you can either submit to the Bible, or you can “ordain” women - but not both.

All woke roads lead to the same place: “ordination” of women, normalization of sexual deviancy, the overturning of Scripture, and the repudiation of our Lord Jesus Christ in favor of a female deity. This is pure Luciferianism. Ultimately, this is the goal of the Woke movement, couched in such sweet-sounding terms as diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice. And we in the LCMS are not immune. We have our own woke laity, clergy, and deaconesses also bashing “patriarchy” and pushing a woke agenda - even in our (and I mean “our”) universities. They need to repent, leave, or be removed. Previous generations have allowed women’s “ordination” advocates to infest our roster like cancerous tumors dripping with pus, even publishing journals dedicated to this satanic practice.

The first “Lutheran” women were “ordained” in Sweden. At the time, one bishop stood out by taking a vocal stand against it: Bishop Bo Giertz. He recognized this as a direct attack on the Scriptures, and the same year (1958) that the Swedish Church authorized women’s “ordination,” Giertz established the Church Coalition for the Bible and Confessions (Kyrklig samling kring bibeln och bekännelsen).

Either you believe the Bible is God’s Word, that Jesus only ordains men (then and now), and that patriarchy is part of the created order, or you can sing along to “Ordain a lady.”

Okay, if you have gotten through this video, you deserve some soul-bleach. Here is Veni Creator Spiritus, a traditional hymn used at the ordination of men throughout the centuries.

Larry Beane6 Comments