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Good News from Finland

As we have been closely watching the trial of Päivi Räsänen and Bishop Juhana Pohjola in Finland, we are glad to report that both have been acquitted on all charges. Readers will recall that the substance of the trial had to do with Mrs. Räsänen’s public stance insisting that marriage is between a man and a woman, and the public support of Bishop Pohjola for the views of Mrs. Räsänen, who is a physician, a mother, and a member of the Finnish parliament. The trial had been followed internationally, not only on the question of the Biblical view of marriage, but on the matter of the freedom of speech.

This morning’s welcome news includes the announcement that this verdict was reached unanimously in a 28-page ruling that declared that “it is not for the district court to interpret biblical concepts” and that “there must be an overriding social reason for interfering with and restricting freedom of expression” which was not demonstrated by the prosecution.

Thanks be to God!