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"Here I Stand" Sunday


Back on March 2, an article was published that mentioned that the Synod had resolved to celebrate “Here I Stand” Sunday on April 18. This, of course, is in remembrance of Luther’s stand at the Diet of Worms 500 years ago this coming Sunday. As our congregation has been celebrating “500ths” of the Reformation since back in 2015 (marking 500th anniversaries of various events in Reformation history each year), I already had a note on the calendar for this. Since 1521 was a busy year in the life of Luther, there’s a lot to get to!

One thing with this proclamation already had me a bit skeptical, though. It’s not that the day or the recommendation to remember and celebrate is a bad thing, but we in the LCMS have a tendency to throw everything out for the sake of a trendy Sunday. You know what I mean. One Sunday is “Bring a Friend Sunday” and another “Unity Sunday.” Then there’s “Stewardship Sunday” and “America Sunday” (the 4th of July is on Sunday this year by the way so get ready). All of these things are a far cry from a remembrance and celebration of what happened at Worms, but you know where it all typically ends up. And again, it’s not that these things aren’t worth addressing, but when these “days” come up, all else is forsaken for the sake of the promotion. The Divine Liturgy is abandoned and replaced with a mishmash of Divine Service settings and prayer services prepared by some worship task force. A lot of the time, too, you can find a sermon right there at your disposal. Just print and preach! Who doesn’t want a free sermon?! You can understand when the article came out why I was skeptical.

But I clicked the resources link anyway…

There it was in all its glory! The “worship materials” tab. Click. What I found there shocked me beyond belief. I honestly couldn’t believe my eyes. I scanned and scrolled and looked for a “link within the link.” What in the world was this? I found no bulletin with gimmicky liturgical rubrics. I found no sermon. Instead, I found actual resources. There are notes on how to work such a Sunday into the three-year lectionary readings and also the historic lectionary (with an interesting note that the Diet of Worms also happened the week of Misericordias Domini). There were hymn suggestions FROM THE HYMNAL! There were petitions to add in the Prayers of the Church and also sermon points.

When did this happen? Who is responsible for such a thing? Whoever put together these resources, good for you. Thank you helping demonstrate how to go about celebrating an event in the life of the Church by working it into the lectionary instead of casting it aside for a week. And to whoever is putting together resources for other celebratory Sundays, take note. At least from “resources” I have experienced thus far, this is the way to encourage pastors and congregations to celebrate along with you these significant events that come up in the life of the Church. It is a historic day for us as Lutherans as we, like Luther that day, continue to walk in the valley of the shadow of death. Celebrate and continue in the boldness of your confession.

A blessed Misericordias Domini (“Here I Stand”) Sunday to you all.

John Bussman4 Comments