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Luther on the Virgin Birth of Christ

 “Some argue as to how this birth took place, as if Jesus was born while Mary was praying and rejoicing, without any pain, and before she was conscious of it.  While I do not altogether discard that pious supposition, it was evidently invented for the sake of simple minded people.  But we must abide by the Gospel, that He was born of the virgin Mary.  There is no deception here, for the Word clearly states that it was an actual birth.

It is well known what is meant by giving birth.  Mary’s experience was not different from that of other women, so that the birth of Christ was a real natural birth.  Mary being His natural mother and He being her natural Son.  Therefore her body performed its functions of giving birth, which naturally belonged to it, except that she brought forth without sin, without shame, without pain and without injury, just as she had conceived without sin.  The curse of Eve did not come on her, where God said: ‘In pain thou shalt bring forth children,’ Gen. 3:16; otherwise it was with her in every particular as with every woman who gives birth to a child.  Grace does not interfere with nature and her work, but rather improves and promotes it”.

Luther, Martin.  Christmas Day sermon.  The Complete Sermons of Martin Luther, vol. 1.1-2.  Edited by John Nicholas Lenker, Translated by John Nicholas Lenker and others.  2000, Grand Rapids: Baker Books. Pg 140.

Art: Miniature of the Nativity of Christ, from the The Hours of René d'Anjou, France (Paris), c. 1410, Egerton MS 1070, f. 24v. From The British Library Medieval Manuscripts blog -

Fr. Mark Braden2 Comments