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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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In case you missed it . . .

Look at the ribbon on the top of the Gottesdienst home page. See there? It’s your opportunity to attend a great conference in Central Illinois, in lieu of all the conferences that have recently been called off.

Now’s the time to register. Now. Today.

November 14-15, this year. Mattoon, Illinois. Less than a month off. Time to register, really. Don’t put it off.

A conference whose theme is Reactions to Persecution, with keynote speaker Dr. Adam Koontz and following lecture by Rev. Jason Braaten, producer of The Gottesdienst Crowd.

Including a picnic, Biergarten, and Gemütlichkeit under a heated tent, a pizza gathering, and plenty of time for like-minded people to get together.

All for 50 bucks.

REGISTER BY NOVEMBER 1ST. Click on the ribbon above, or right here.



Burnell EckardtComment