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A Must-Have Children's Book!


Kloria Publishing has produced a remarkable book for families with children. It is called Dear Christians One and All Rejoice, and the author is none other than Martin Luther. The illustrations are done by Edward Riojas. The book is literally the text of the magnificent hymn from our tradition (LSB 556, TLH 387), one that confesses Law and Gospel, sin, the promise of redemption, the incarnation, Christ’s victory on the cross, the atonement, salvation, and the Christian life guided by the Holy Spirit.

The text of the hymn is presented word for word in traditional storybook form, with large letters and beautifully illuminated capitals. The illustrations show medieval liturgical celebration in bright colors, depictions from the life of Dr. Luther, and symbolism-rich depictions of Scripture. It is a feast for the eyes and for the soul - both for children and their parents.

The use of this hymn is genius, as it is rhythmic, not unlike the patter of a Dr. Seuss book, but without the silliness. The rhyme and meter of the text is just the kind of reading that arouses the natural expression of memory in little ones, combined with the lush visual imagery.

Moreover, young children will be excited to recognize the hymn when it is sung in church!

The musical notation and full lyrics are printed at the end, again with colorful traditional illumination.

The book is a hearty hardcover, only 32 sturdy pages (half of which are pictures), with tasteful front- and end-papers in the Luther’s Seal motif. This is a book whose beauty draws the reader in and makes him or her want to linger on each page.

Hopefully, we will see more hymns in this series!

Larry Beane1 Comment