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St. Laurence, Deacon and Martyr


Laurence lived in Rome, in the mid-third century, as one of seven deacons in the city who served the Church. The great Roman persecutions were once again in full force, and Christians were being executed in the arena.  Valerian the emperor handed down an edict that Christians could be put to death, and the Church's possessions and money all confiscated.  Laurence as deacon was responsible for the Church's possessions, so he, rather than allowing all these to be taken by the godless Romans, quickly gathered as many of the poor people as he could find, people whom the Church had been serving, and distributed all of the Church's treasury to them.  Then when the prefect of Rome came to demand from Laurence the Church's treasury, this fearless saint stood face to face with his adversary, gestured to all the Church's poor whom he had gathered around him, and serenely said, These are the treasure of the Church.  For this he was roasted to death over an open fire. 

But Laurence, tradition tells us, refused to give his tormenters any satisfaction, so mocked them while dying, as he cried out, Turn me over; I’m done on this side!  So let all follow Laurence’s confession and boldness to make a mockery of the wiles of evil men. ✠

From Every Day Will I Bless Thee: Meditations for the Daily Office by Burnell Eckardt, s.v. St Laurence, deacon and martyr (August 10) available at our online bookstore

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