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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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Over the years, Gottesdienst has solicited and sought advice for pastors , especially focusing on those newly ordained. Last year I wrote a colum for the Trinity print journal that deal with nuts and bolts stuff, such as which collar buttons to buy and how to set up a communion kit that doesn’t leak. I am including here in case you never subscribed and don’t want to drop the $3 for a pdf version: Advice for New Pastors Trinity 2019. My article begins about 2/3 of the way down in the left hand column of the first page. There was also a podcast about that. You can listen here: Gottes Podcast on Advice for New Pastors.

Here are a couple more links. The comments are also helpful:

Good Advice for the Ministry

Dear Candidates for Ordination

Finally, here is a recording of the recent ordination of Rev. Mark Kranz at Redeemer. I think the sermon was pretty good :). It is not exactly advice but I do it makes an attempt to consider what our duties actually are: Ordination of Mark Kranz Sermon starts at 27:50.

David PetersenComment