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Advent Devotions by Pastor Weedon

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My brother in office has written an excellent devotional for the Advent Season.

One thing that is always seems to be a challenge, especially for families with smaller children, is to have devotions that are brief enough so that things don’t fall apart (either as children want to eat or as children melt down in post-dinner clean-up chaos), and at the same time be worthy of being called a devotion to the living God, whereby the souls of His children are fed.

Pastor Weedon did the job here.

I’ve read through the entire booklet twice and I’m looking forward to using it at our family table this Holy Advent.

It is yours for a donation to his podcast. Pastors, it would be worth contacting the the LPR office to see if you can get the devotions in bulk for your congregation, definitely worth it.

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