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My Postils

by Burnell F. Eckardt

Not wishing to be presumptuous, I am nevertheless providing this for consumption, as a resource if for no other reason.  At my web site you can now find a great number of audio files, neatly categorized according to season, Sunday, and Feast, containing sermons I have preached over the past several years.  They are not transcriptions, of course, and no text version of them exists (except in a few rare cases in which I have produced transcriptions that are lying around somewhere).  That is because I generally do not preach from a manuscript, but as a result of careful musing on the Gospel reading appointed, prior to the time of preaching.  Hence what you hear in the audio file is a sermon more or less in the patristic style of musing on the Gospel and proclaiming it.  The link, once again, is here.