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Help for Pornography Addictions

Here is the problem: "Pornography consumers are your parents, professors, husbands, pastors, colleagues, children, and friends; and some modern pornographic offerings make Hustler layouts look like Norman Rockwell spreads in The Saturday Evening Post. Jerry Ropelato of Top Ten Reviews notes that 40 million US adults regularly view pornographic websites. Twenty percent of men admit to viewing pornographic materials at work, 53 percent of Promise Keepers (members of the prominent Christian men’s organization) view online pornography on a weekly basis, and 37 percent of Christian pastors identify pornography as a current struggle. Far from being immune, women account for as much as one-third of all pornographic consumption; and children are some of the heaviest users online. The average child is 11 years old at the time of his or her first exposure. Twenty percent of all children have been sexually solicited on the web; more than 90 percent of 8 to 16-year-olds have viewed pornography online, and 80 percent of 15 to 17-year-olds have had multiple exposures to hardcore pornography."

This is destroying marriages, congregations, our society, etc. 37 percent of Christian pastors struggle with this! I don't know if that translates exactly to 37 percent of Confessional Lutheran pastors or not, but I see no reason that it wouldn't be that or higher. Whether a pastor or not, the most likely path to recovery is therapy but therapy is embarrassing and the pastor might fear the loss of his job, especially if he has been looking at porn at church or doing worse things. This is part of the struggle.

I don't have easy answers. In fact, other than the standard answers, go to confession, admit it to someone, discipline yourself with fasting and prayer, deny yourself opportunities, etc, I don't have any. What I want is a book. I ordered two this morning off of Amazon. Because a pastor can have a book for others, for his members, that he himself can also read and benefit from. Plus I like books. So what book can give to people who come to me and are struggling with these sorts of sins?

When I have known men who were willing to and eager for therapy and support groups, I've had trouble finding groups that fit well in Ft. Wayne. Is anyone familiar with sex addicts anonymous, etc? Is there any fear that such groups might advocate homosexuality as good or advocate divorce. etc ?

I'll let you know what I think of the books when they arrive. CPH, btw, doesn't appear to have anything.