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The Latest from CSL

I just got CSL's public relations magazine in the mail today. Between the covers is pretty typical university alumni magazine fare. The covers are what caught my attention.

* Front cover includes a picture of what I lovingly call the Great Grey-Green Greasy Limpopo Eyesore affixed to the front of Sts Timothy and Titus. If you ever get a chance to see it in the flesh, you will no doubt be blown away by the depth of theological reflection written thereon (in black magic marker) by some of tomorrow's pastors. Does anything say "undergrad" quite like artwork that doesn't match its surroundings that is meant to be written upon by passers-by?

* Back cover quotation:"thinking about pastoral or diaconal ministry?" And the shift away from catholic speech is complete! Women are now diaconal ministers. Oh boy, er, oh girl.

UPDATE: A reader informs us that now Pres. Harrison has been using terms like "diaconal ministry" and "diaconal ministers" in reference to deaconesses for some time at the WRHC website. Our reader did not send along any links - but if true, we hope that Fr. Harrison will rethink this terminology as it causes more confusion than clarity in confessing the faith as Fr. Beane notes in the comments.